Athens 2.2 – Fresh new sections and updates

We’re thrilled to announce the latest updates to the Athens theme! These enhancements are designed to boost your online store’s functionality and aesthetic appeal, making it easier than ever to attract and engage customers. Whether you’re looking to improve user experience or add fresh elements to your pages, the latest changes have something to offer for every store owner.

Brand new sections

  • Scrolling elements section: Introduce dynamic content that scrolls, providing an engaging user experience.
  • Image hotspots: Create interactive images that reveal additional content or products when hovered over or clicked.
  • Call to action section: Directly guide your customers towards key actions like signing up or purchasing with strategically placed calls to action.
  • Tabbed media with text section: Organize content neatly in tabs, combining text and media for a streamlined browsing experience.

Enhanced Shopify Filters Integration

  • Visual filters: Introducing the support for images along with color swatches in visual filters. Learn more about how to set up visual filters in your store.
  • Shopify subscription app: Adding improved visual support for Shopify’s subscription app.

Design and customization updates

  • Heading size adjustment on the Video Background section: Gain more control over how text appears against video backgrounds, enhancing readability and visual impact.
  • Backorder support for product availability: Communicate more effectively with customers about product availability, especially for backordered items.
  • “Request Information” block for products: Allow customers to easily request more information directly from the product page, improving service and engagement.
  • Image setting override for the Map section: Customize the map display with your own image instead of a live Google map.
  • Auto-Rotate the Features section on mobile: A new setting that ensures a smoother, more consistent display of features on mobile devices.
  • Hide the collection’s heading: Simplify your collection pages by opting to hide the headings, giving your site a cleaner look.

Performance update

Optimized lazy loading for images: Images in your sections now load more efficiently, which can speed up page loading times and improve overall site performance.

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