Truly fine
Countdown banner section
Last update:
This section was introduced in version 2.0
The “Countdown banner” is a dynamic section that fosters urgency and boosts conversions. By showcasing a live countdown for a special event or offer’s end, paired with a customized call to action, it nudges customers to act quickly.
Section settings
Make section fullwidth: Choose to extend the section to the full width of the viewer’s screen for a bold, immersive look.
Background Image: Upload a background image to enhance the visual appeal of the section.
Overlay background: Add a gradient overlay to your background image to enhance readability and aesthetic appeal.
Heading and Description: Craft a compelling message with customizable heading and description fields. Use this space to clearly communicate what you’re offering and why visitors should take action.
Heading size: Adjust the size of your heading to make your message stand out.
Button label and Link: Customize the section’s call to action button with a specific label and link it to any part of your store, such as a product page, a contact form, or another desired location.
Display button as text link: Optionally display the button as a text link on desktop.
Button color scheme: Choose a color scheme for your button that complements your brand and draws attention.
The timer settings offer the ability to enable the live countdown timer in the section. Please note that this is completely optional and if there is no date set the section can act as a call to action section.
Countdown date: Choose the date at which you’d like the countdown to expire. The date must strictly be in the format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
. For example, for January 09, 2026 at 6 p.m. it would be: 2026/01/09 18:00:00
If the time part is left empty, the assumed time will be the midnight of the following day (i.e. the beginning of the next day). Also note that the time uses the store’s timezone.
Hide the entire section when the expiration date has passed: Enable this if you want the section to be completely hidden from your customers once the date has expired and the countdown reaches zero.
Expiration message: Optionally add a message that will replace the countdown timer when the date has expired. Please note that this is incompatible with the above setting as if both are enabled the entire section would be hidden.
Mobile layout
Background image: Optional secondary image to be displayed only on smaller screen sizes.
Heading size: The section’s heading size in mobile devices.
Display button as text link: Optionally display the button as a text link on mobile.
Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.
Section spacing
The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values.
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