Truly fine
Expandable section
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The expandable is a flexible section that gives you the ability to showcase text content grouped by expandable blocks, perfect for FAQs, instructions, and any kind of informational content.
Section settings

Make section narrow: By default enabled, this option allows you to convert the section from full width to narrow.
Heading: Set a title for this section (optional).
Subheading: Set a subtitle for this section. This is also optional.
Heading alignment: Select the alignment of the heading and subheading (“Left”, “Center”).
Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.
Section spacing
The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.
Expandable block

This section consists of “Expandable” blocks with the following settings:
Heading: Set a title for this block.
Icon: Select an icon for this block (optional).
Text: Set the textual content of this block.
Start expanded: Whether you want this block to start expanded by default when the page loads.
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