Truly fine


Vertical filters section

Last update:

This section was introduced in version 2.0

The Vertical filters section is the vertical counterpart of the Filters section. The two sections are functionally identical, however the Vertical filters section allows for more visual customization.

Adding filters

The first thing that you need to make sure of is to have product filters to your collections. Please take a moment to read through the guide here on how to set those up, as they are going to be necessary (and also important for your store in general).

Then, to display the filters, follow the respective section of the Filters section.

Section settings

Heading + Subheading: Set a title and subtitle for this section. Both are optional.

Collections: You can optionally have the first filter dropdown be based on a set of hand-picked collections. This becomes necessary if you have more than 5000 products, as Shopify doesn’t display filters in collections with more than 5000 products.

Collections label: Customize the text of the collections filter.

Collection label: Optional text to appear as tooltip on the collections filter.


Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.

Section spacing

The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.

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