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Product reviews and ratings
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Adding product reviews and ratings to your store is easy! You can choose any product ratings app in the Shopify app store, however Tokyo provides basic styling support for the following rating apps: “ Product Reviews“, “Yotpo Product Reviews & UGC“, and “Stamped Product Reviews & UGC“.
Installing a product reviews app
First you will need to install an app to your store. While logged in to your store visit Shopify’s app store on product reviews. Then navigate to your desired app (we recommend Product Reviews, or any other app marked as “Built for Shopify“), and after you are asked to choose your store, click the “Install” button.

You will be redirected to the “Install app” page, where you’ll be asked to confirm the app installation. Click on “Install”. You will then be presented with the app’s onboarding page.
Now we need to follow the on-screen instructions to setup the app.
On the onboarding screen, select your language, and theme theme you’d like to install the app into. If you have published the Tokyo theme, choose “My current theme”, otherwise choose Tokyo from the dropdown list, and hit “Start setup” to continue.
On the next step, click on the “Enable app embed” button.
A new window/tab will be opened on the theme’s customization screen, with the “App embeds” panel opened and the “” app embed enabled. If it’s not already enabled for you, make sure to enable it. Hit “Save“, and close the window/tab to return to the previous setup page. Hit the “Next step” button.
On the next screen you are prompted to install the app’s “Review Widget”. Tokyo doesn’t need it to function, and you can safely hit the “Skip” link to end the setup process.
Enabling reviews on products
Inside the Shopify designer (theme customizer) navigate to any of your products. On the sections list on the left, under “Product information”, click on “Add block” and add the “Reviews” block and hit Save (You won’t be able to see the block before hitting save). You will notice that a “Reviews” sections has appeared below your other product sections.

Enabling star ratings on the product page
To enable star ratings on your product page, open your store in the Shopify designer (theme customizer) and navigate to any of your products. On the sections list on the left, under “Product information”, click on “Title”. On the Title’s settings panel (right hand side) you will notice the product’s title options. Click to enable “Show rating”.
Note that the instructions above also apply on the Featured product section.

Enabling star ratings on product cards
To enable star ratings on the product cards of your listings, open your store in the Shopify designer (theme customizer) and navigate to any of your collections. On the sections list on the left, click “Product grid”, and on its settings panel (right hand side) click to enable “Show product rating”.
Note that the above also applies on the Search template.

Other sections with product ratings
There are more sections that support displaying ratings on the product cards:
- Tabbed product lists (global section)
- Featured collection (global section)
- Product recommendations (product page)
The above sections contain the “Show product rating” setting, which when enabled will display product ratings for each product card.
Additionally, the “Related products” block of the main Blog post section also supports this option.
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