Truly fine


Events section

Last update:

The Events section is crafted to display an engaging list of event-related blog posts, complemented by a dynamic content area. This feature serves as an ideal platform to highlight your upcoming events, providing a visual and textual snapshot that encourages visitors to learn more or participate. It can also be used with simple blog posts, augmenting the visibility of your blog.

Learn more about how to set up event dates for your blog posts.

Heading: Set a title for this section. This is optional.

Sub-heading: Set a sub-heading for this section. This is optional.

Heading alignment: Choose whether you want the heading and sub-heading of this section to be left or center aligned.


Hide past events: Choose whether you want to hide all blog posts with an event date in the past.


Image: The content area’s content image.

Heading: The content area’s heading.

Description: Enter a few words about the events or blog posts.

Content position: Whether the content should come before or after the events (start or end).


Container width: Select either “Wide” or “Full” for the section’s container width. Choosing “Wide” extends the section a few pixels beyond the page’s boundaries on the left and right, whereas “Full” expands the section to cover the entire width of the viewport. This setting is designed to work along with a color scheme that contrasts the base background (i.e. Accent colors or Background 2).


Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.

Section spacing

The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.

Event block settings

This section consists of Event blocks. Each event is an article, and it will automatically display the event date if it is available. Learn more about how to set up event dates for your articles.

Article: Select an article for this block.

Repeat adding new events until you’re satisfied with the list of articles.

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