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Newsletter section

Last update:

Using the newsletter section you can create a flexible form field to acquire new email leads from your customers.

Section settings

Image: Optionally display an image that will take half the width of the newsletter. Note that the image is displayed on desktop viewports only.

Enable image mask: Whether to apply a diagonal mask effect on the image.

Heading: The newsletter section’s heading.

Text: A brief description under the heading.

Enable consent checkbox: You can acquire consent from your users before they opt-in to your newsletter by enabling the this setting.

Anyone that subscribes to this section will be automatically added to your “accepted marketing” customer list.


Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.

Section spacing

The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.

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