Truly fine
Slideshow section
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The “Slideshow” section is an engaging feature of your store that allows you to showcase a series of images in a dynamic, rotating display. This section is perfect for highlighting key products, promotions, or any aspect of your brand that you want to emphasize.
Section settings

Make section fullwidth: Setting the section to fullwidth will make it span across the entire browser viewport.
Slide height: Controls the height of the slideshow. Using Adapt to first image will make the slideshow height equal to the height of the first image (regardless of other images’ heights). Small (320px), Medium (480px), and Large (560px), are predefined, fixed heights that the theme dictates. Finally, Full screen, Three quarters of screen, Two thirds of screen will set the height of the slideshow according to the height of the viewport. Note that in mobile the height is adjusted automatically for best appearance.
Auto-rotate slides: Turning this on will make the slideshow play automatically.
Change slides every: If Auto-rotate slides is turned on, this settings controls the speed at which slides will be alternating (in seconds).
Animation type: Choose between Slide, and Fade animations.
Navigation: Set the navigation styling. There are four options: “Dots” (appear on the bottom of the slider), “Arrows” (appear on the left and right edge of the slider), or you can have both by choosing “Dots and arrows”.
Slideshow description: This field will add a description on the slideshow for screen readers. It is highly recommended you fill this in to improve your shop’s accessibility.
Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.
Section spacing
The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.
Slide block

This section consists of multiple “Slide” blocks with the following settings:
Image: The image of the slide.
Overlay background: Optional gradient background to be used as an overlay (over the image and under the content).
Badge text: Adding text here will reveal a badge over the slide’s content.
Heading: The title of the slide.
Heading size: The size of the slide’s title.
Subheading: A brief description or subtitle of the slide.
Text color: The text color of the slide’s content (heading and subheading).
Content position: Position the content (heading, subheading, button) anywhere you want on the slide.
Content width percentage: Control the maximum allowed width (relative to the slide) that the slide’s content can span. Ignored on mobile.
Primary button label: Filling this in will display a button under the heading and subheading of the slide.
Display primary button as text link: Optionally make the button appear as a textual link.
Primary button color scheme: Choose the color of the primary button.
Primary link: Set a link for your primary button (page, collection, product, external link, etc).
Secondary button label: Filling this in will display a secondary button under the heading and subheading of the slide, next to the primary button.
Display secondary button as text link: Optionally make the button appear as a textual link.
Secondary button color scheme: Choose the color of the secondary button.
Secondary link: Set a link for your secondary button (page, collection, product, external link, etc).
Mobile layout
Image: Optional secondary image to be displayed on smaller screen sizes only.
Heading size: The slide’s title size in mobile devices.
Content position: The slide’s content position in mobile devices.
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