Truly fine


Video background section

Last update:

This section was introduced in version 1.3

The Video background section is designed to elevate your storefront, where vibrant storytelling meets visual impact. Embed a captivating video with overlay text and a call-to-action, transforming your homepage into an engaging customer experience.

Section settings

Make section fullwidth: This option, when enabled, will turn the section into a fullwidth one.

Content position: Choose the positioning of the overlay content, from top left to bottom right for large viewports.

Height: Choose between seven different heights for the section, Small, Medium, Large, Full screen, Three quarters of screen, Two thirds of screen, and Preserve ratio. Note that “Preserve ratio” will keep the section’s height according to the ratio of the video if there is a Self hosted video uploaded, otherwise it will default to 16:9.

Background image: Optionally add a background image that will act as the cover of the video (note: when uploading a self hosted video, the theme will attempt to extract the background image from the video itself).

Overlay background: Add a background overlay (can be a gradient) to the section.

Heading: The section’s heading.

Heading size: The font size of the heading.

Description: A brief description that appears above the title.

Text size: The font size of the description.

Primary button label: The text of the primary call to action button.

Display the primary button as text link: Displays the button as a text link instead of a button.

Primary button color scheme: Choose a color scheme for the primary button.

Primary link: The link of the primary call to action button.

Secondary button label: The text of the secondary call to action button.

Display the secondary button as text link: Displays the button as a text link instead of a button.

Secondary button color scheme: Choose a color scheme for the secondary button.

Secondary link: The link of the secondary call to action button.

Self hosted video: Upload a custom mp4 for your video.

External URL: The YouTube or Vimeo URL. You can simply paste either the link from your browser’s bar or the URL that YouTube or Vimeo gives when attempting to share a video. Note that if both self-hosted and external URL are chosen, the self-hosted will take priority.

Video description: Describe the video to make it accessible for customers using screen readers.

Mobile layout

Background image: Optionally add a background image that will act as the cover of the video in smaller screen sizes.

Content position: The content position in mobile devices.

Heading size: The font size of the heading in mobile devices.


Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.

Section spacing

The section spacing settings gives you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.

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