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Page with sidebar

Last update:

Two templates exist for pages with sidebar, one that features the sidebar on the left, and one with the sidebar on the right.

Using the templates

To utilize the sidebar page templates, create a new page (or edit an existing one) and apply either the left-sidebar or the right-sidebar template from the Theme template drop down on the right hand side of the screen. You can create a new page from the Pages menu under the Online Store sales channel in your Shopify Admin. During page creation use the Content box to add any textual or other rich content you’d like to display on your full width page, such as images, tables, and more.

Template contents

Both the left and right sidebar page templates feature a single “Page” section, and accept multiple “Menu” blocks. The menus created from the blocks are displayed on the sidebar.

Page section settings

Hide page heading and subheading: Control the visibility of the page’s heading and subheading.

Subheading: Optionally add a subheading for the page. Connect this field to a dynamic source to show a different subheading per page.

Subheading size: Choose the text size of the subheading (Small, Normal, Large).

Make subheading fullwidth: Enable this option to adapt the subheading to span its container’s full width. By default the subheading’s width is limited.

Menu block

Each menu block accepts a Heading and a Menu setting. Optionally add a header for the menu, and then choose a menu from the list.

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