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Featured product section
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The Featured Product section is a section that gives you the ability to showcase a single product from your shop.
Section settings
Product: Set the product you want featured.
Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant: If your product contains variants and particular media (such as images) for each variant, enabling this option will only show the media for the selected variant.
Image zoom: Choose between “Lightbox“, “Zoom on hover“, “Lightbox and Zoom on hover“, and “None“. Lightbox (the default option) will enlarge the product’s main image in its own frame. Zoom on hover will zoom the image in a dedicate preview box next to it while the customer is hovering over the product’s main image.”Lightbox and zoom on hover” enables the behavior of both at the same time. Finally, “None” will disable zooming on the product’s images in any way. Note that this setting applies only on desktop (with the exception of the “None” option that disables it everywhere). In mobile the image enlarging functionality is always the Lightbox.
Images disclaimer: Optionally provide a short text that will be displayed underneath the product images as a disclaimer.
Show custom badges (if available): Display the product’s custom badges.
Container width: Select either “Wide” or “Full” for the section’s container width. Choosing “Wide” extends the section a few pixels beyond the page’s boundaries on the left and right, whereas “Full” expands the section to cover the entire width of the viewport. This setting is designed to work along with a color scheme that contrasts the base background (i.e. Accent colors or Background 2).
Color scheme: Select one of the predefined color schemes as defined in Theme settings > Colors. For more information regarding the color schemes please refer to our article about creating your own color scheme.
Section spacing
The section spacing settings give you the option to adjust the top & bottom section spacing values. Please note: If you select a color scheme with a background color, these settings will affect the spacing between the top or bottom of the section and the content of the section.
Section blocks
For maximum customization you can adjust this section’s layout by configuring its blocks. Note that you can reorder blocks as you see fit.
Title: The title block by default will also display the vendor, SKU, and barcode. You can also set it to display the product’s rating (learn how to set up product ratings here), and you can choose to hide the rating if there are no reviews. Finally, you can choose to show custom badges if you’ve set them up, the product’s custom excerpt, or a custom collection image for this product.
Text: You can add extra text with an icon or set additional text lines with custom icons next to them. The text section also comes with a Color Scheme setting that can be used to make product text sections stand out.
Price: The price block displays the price (as well as discounts, group pricing, and other pricing info) and the stock status label (in stock, out of stock, etc).
Variant picker: If the selected product contains variants, they will be shown on this block. You can choose from two different layouts for their display (buttons or dropdowns). For the “button” variant, you can select the buttons’ color scheme (secondary or primary buttons). You can also opt to hide the variant picker if only one variant exists across any combination of product options (size, color, etc). Finally, there is a visibility setting for the out of stock variants (Show, Hide, and Show disabled).
Buy buttons: Control visibility of the quantity field, add to cart button, and dynamic checkout buttons. Via this block you can also enable the recipient form for gift cards where your customer can send a gift card to another person automatically after purchase (only applies on gift card products). More information about selling gift cards can be found on Shopify’s official guide.
Custom Liquid: If you are a bit code savvy, the liquid section allows you to add templating on your product using Shopify’s Liquid templating language. This block can only appear on the product information area, where the title, price, etc blocks appear.
Features: Show a set of features for all your products using this block, by adding up to three sets of Heading / Icon groups. You can also optionally choose a color scheme if you want to make the feature boxes stand out.
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